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Psychic Love: When partners grow while living apart

Couple sitting apart both in thoughtOften in readings, the cards will indicate that your partner is not ready to commit to his or her feelings for the long haul.

As a result, a breakup occurs.  You may become all the more frustrated and perplexed as time continues to pass.

If you can try to see your life and the life he or she is living independently of you as being on two entirely different levels at this point – that he/she still has a considerable amount of emotional growing to do – it should become easier in the long run to get yourself through this difficult period.

For the present, I suggest that you love him/her enough to allow that individual the freedom to follow his/her own path toward understanding about the two of you and that you concentrate on your own faith that what is meant to be will “be” in its own way and time.

This is perhaps the hardest lesson of all in terms of Personal Prophesy card readings – allowing others to go through their own emotional paces to achieve that all-important, higher understanding. Strive to “let go” and allow the one you love the time he/she needs to become ready for you. In the meantime, focus on bettering yourself and becoming the person you are intended to be for the future.

For women: I feel very certain in conducting readings that you will hear from your ex again via telephone or email, but you are really going to have to hold yourself back when you do. Seem cheerful, very happy to hear from him. Express negatively “heavy” emotions or your deep disappointment over his having ended things between you and he will again disappear – I guarantee it. There is no doubt in my mind that men are driven by nature to try to “preserve themselves.”

Men are strange creatures when it comes to their hearts, ladies. Intuitively speaking, they will so often try to insulate and protect themselves from the very person they hold most dear.

Therefore, give him time to come around in his way of thinking and feeling. Allow him the space he needs to come to the realization of how much he misses you. Generally within three to six months (if not sooner), you and the one you love will re-start the relationship you’ve shared – but it will be a better, more fulfilling relationship for you the second time around.