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What does death really mean in Personal Prophesy Card Readings?

man standing in open misty doorDeath, in terms of Personal Prophesy (this card reading method), is always perceived as a New Beginning and never an Ending.

Death always signifies one door closing as another door naturally opens – on one level or another – for us.

Anytime a reading recipient has an obsession with death, it is not perceived to be about “Death” per se regarding his or her own mortality, but rather his own inability to achieve that New Beginning for himself.

Generally that “death” will take the shape on the intuitive level as death to his or her own preconceived beliefs which were always cherished and clung to in relation to his/her life and its future.

For instance, an individual may be characterized in her cards to have entered a period where what she always ‘thought’ would define a happy, fulfilled existence for herself focused entirely on husband, home and children – a way of life she had dreamed for yourself. Those dreams might be perceived to be in the process of experiencing their own type of private “death” in the sense of leading her toward a higher understanding and insight about her life.

She may feel this death at first involves her own mortality as she obsesses on what she hasn’t accomplished in the way of goals, having children or leaving behind some sort of important legacy at this point in her life. In reality, however, that death involves your own belief system which is perceived to be undergoing serious, critical change which will ultimately lead her toward a greater sense of wisdom and happiness in the future.

When I find that a recipient has received a psychic consultation from someone who is not knowledgeable nor experienced enough to interpret this type of “death” in readings, all that reader has done is create nothing but needless worry for that client by misinterpreting “death”, particularly, to mean a physical one, which is not the intuitive message I receive in readings at all.

My perception is of a decisive ending to an extremely unhappy emotional past – a “death of circumstances”, if you will – and a beautiful, new door opening with the promise of a happier life waiting to be given birth to; a door to the future that such a recipient will be able to walk through, embracing a whole new life for him or herself in the process.

In such situations, I urge these clients to change their way of thinking immediately, by disregarding the readings they were given previously.

“Focus your thoughts on the healing energy attached to hope, faith and strength,”  I advise them, “And you will, instead, put yourself in a far better place emotionally and spiritually for receiving a happier future.  Altering your point of view to one that is much more positive will definitely help to bring you closer to it, I guarantee it.”

It does work…give it a try.  You will surprise yourself!

Learn how to become your own psychic and even give professional readings to others through the step-by-step lessons given in my book, “The Message: Your Secrets in the Cards” (O Books).